Ko wai mātou - Who are we?

Established in 2019, Ngā Uri Whaioranga Competed in the 2020 Australian National Kapahaka Competition that was held in Canberra. Just Hours before taking the stage, the world health organisation declared a worldwide state of emergency  resulting in a domino effect of country border closures and pending lockdowns of all life as we knew it!

Fortunatley, after 18 months of doing the hard mahi,  Ngā Uri Whaioranga were able to take the stage and showcase not only our culture in all of its glory, but showcase a bracket we had poured our hearts and souls into, something we were proud of. Whilst we may have not qualifyed as one of the top two kapahaka teams chosen to represent Whenua Moemoea (Land of the Dream time) at the Nationals in New Zealand, our voices were heard and our mana was felt !

What may hold you back, makes you stronger, and as a world of lockdowns is behind us, together we are bringing Ngā Uri Whaioranga Kaihaka back to the floor as we amp up our campaign for the 2024 Regional Kapahaka Qualifier Competition.

We welcome all to join us in what we are sure, will be a challenging but exciting journey.

Tutor - Dougy Petley
Nō Ngāi Te Rangi, nō Ngāti Ranginui, nō Waikato,nō
Tutor - Nina Katene
Nga Puhi
Booking Enquiries Welcome